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How to Create Web3 Landing Pages That Convert (+Free Template)

How often do you land on a project's site and think “WTF is this all about?”

When I was consulting solely for SaaS brands, I’d see a lot of confusing pages that would put off customers. 

In Web3, it’s 100X worse.  

There seems to be this belief that going hard on either…

  • Technical jargon
  • Aspirational language
  • Talking only about features

… is the way to go. 

Thing is, even complete degens will often find it too difficult to understand what you do, and good luck onboarding those who are just starting to get their toes wet in Web3.  

Simple, clear messaging is a winner here.  

Here’s why. 

Clear pages are needed outside the hype cycle

At the top of the crypto boom in 2021, you could get away with any old stuff on your page.  

A lot of brands didn’t really explain what it was they did, they just said something like…

  • “XXX% APY on staking today!”. 
  • “The most popular NFT collection for XYZ”.
  • “XXX NFTs with a huge, growing community”. 

They’d lead with huge gains or lean heavily into the hype. And because it all felt like easy money, people would sign up. 

That shit doesn’t work anymore.  

People have been burned by these huge promises, and they’re hesitant to just jump into things they don’t understand. 

It might not be as sexy, but clear communication is the best way to establish better growth throughout the bear market and beyond.  

Here’s the template I use with real examples from successful brands.  

The landing page template for Web3 brands

I don’t care if you’re in Web3, SaaS, or even eCommerce.  

The rules for creating great marketing are the same as they’ve always been.  

Step 1 - Know your audience

Step 2 - Find a painful problem they face and want solved

Step 3 - Explain how your offer removes that problem

If you want help on identifying the 1 and 2 listed above, check out this piece.  

Bonus points if you can explain how your solution solves the problem…

  • Faster
  • Easier
  • Cheaper/more profitably

… than their current solution. 

You can build this easily into your landing page in a tried-and-tested formula.  

You can get that formula for yourself by signing up below. If you’d rather keep reading though, here’s how it’s laid out.  

We’re basically using an AIDA formula here.  

  • Grab Attention
  • Build Interest
  • Create Desire
  • Solicit Action

You’ll be tackling each one of these in a different landing page section. 

1 - Hero section - Grab attention

This is, in my opinion, one of the most important elements of the page.  

You've got a couple of seconds to hook the user into wanting to read more.  

Generally, I tend to answer 3 things within the headline, sub-head, and descriptive text here. 

  1. How do you help the user? 
  2. What do you actually do?
  3. Why should they care/choose you over the competition?

Let’s look at some examples from some of the biggest crypto exchanges; Binance and Coinbase.  

FYI, I usually advise against copying large brands because they have an established presence and enough brand recognition to get away with being vague. But these two offer good examples.  

Analysing Binance's home landing page

With Binance, they couple the how and what. 

  • How do they help and what do they do? Allow users to buy, trade, and hold 350+ cryptocurrencies
  • Why should they choose Binance over the competition? Because you can trade Bitcoin for free. 

Coinbase flips things a little and leads with the why. 

Analysing Coinbases home landing page
  • Why should you choose Coinbase? Because you get free crypto after your first buy
  • How do they help? They’re the “easiest place” to trade crypto
  • What do they do?  Allow you to buy and sell crypto

In both examples, you know exactly what it is you’re getting within the first 5 seconds.  

If you're looking for these kinds of solutions, you’re hooked into reading more. 

If this isn’t a fit for your needs, you’ll move on. 

That disqualification of some people will save a project's customer support team loads of time down the line.  

It’s not as sexy as leading with some massive (often dubious) claim, but it works to bring you the right users and customers for your offer. 

The best thing is you can customise this simple framework however you want.  

Want to use fun language that attracts crazy degens? Go ahead.  

Want to be super serious and target enterprise-level brands? Not a problem.  

Once you've got that out of the way, be sure to show the actual offer (screenshot of dashboard, hero image of the offer etc) and pop in your primary CTA. 

You can customise it to your audience based on your research of their desires.  

To finish off that hero section, it’s always a nice touch to add some trust-building elements. That could be…

  • User reviews or ratings
  • Details of your success
  • Clients you’ve worked with
  • Key stats that are important to the user

A good example of this can be found on the Binance site.  

Binance trust elements in the hero section

2 - Pain section - build a little interest

Once you've hooked those who are potentially interested, you want to get them to experience the pain you solve. 

You’re doing this for 2 reasons.  

  1. To get them to “re-live” their moment of highest tension and feel the need to get it solved
  2. Showing them that you understand their frustrations creating a bond

There’s a few ways to do this. Personally, my favourite is to cover up to three different things here. 

  1. A short explanation of the problem in terms the user understands and that create an image of their everyday pain
  2. An explanation of how the current solutions simply aren’t enough
  3. Remind them of the cost of not fixing the issue to make it more tangible for them

A good example of this can be found with 3RM, a Web3 CRM.  They cover the primary pain and explain how it would play out for community managers and marketers. 

It makes it feel more real for the user and like 3RM really understand their needs.  

3RM highlighting the pain of not using their project

Once you've got the user feeling the pain they want solved, you need to present the solution. 

3 - Solution section - create some desire

Desire is all about showering how your solution or offer is the saviour they’ve been waiting for.  

You want to really hammer home how your solution helps the user achieve their desired solution either one of, or a combination of…

  • Faster
  • Easier 
  • Cheaper/more profitably

That’s why people join things. Because they help them achieve what they want in a better way than they are now.  

Here it’s a simple process of highlighting your key features and explaining the benefits.  

Again, the benefits only really work when it’s explained in real terms that’s related to what the user wants in their life. 

Generic claims of “make more money” only really work for financial industries.  

I’m gonna use 3RM as an example again here as I already have their page open in another tab. 

3RM highlighting their key features

It’s so simple. 

An image that supports the claim or shows it in action.  

A quick explanation of what it is (feature), and a sentence detailing what it will do for the brand (benefit). 

Use this for as many features as are relevant to the audience this page is targeting.  

No more than 5 though. Otherwise the page gets a bit too long.   

Rinse and repeat until you’ve covered everything you need to. 

After this, you’ll want to add a couple of testimonials and reviews from your best customers. 

Again, try to target these to the people who this page is targeting. 

That means reviews highlighting the key issues the user faces and from similar establishments or backgrounds.  

4 - Action section - tell them what to do

You should be seeding CTAs to your primary action throughout the page.  

But, at the end of the page, you’ll want to go really hard on explaining what you want the person to do. 

It’s simple here. Most often in Web3 it's to sync a wallet or sign in/up. 

However, to supercharge this, you’ll want to include a couple of trust-building elements. This is, for many, the point of highest tension. 

So remove that worry by adding in elements like…

  • Info on guarantees
  • User ratings
  • Any info on trials/pricing

Whatever the biggest hurdle to getting people to sign up is, obliterate it here. 

You’ll find a good example on the Payant site. They simply remove the objections by explaining that, right now, there is zero risk to trying them out.  

Payant's approach to removing fear

Test and improve

Before you create any of this, I’d recommend getting detailed feedback from your users so you can tailor this to their needs. 

And, once it’s complete, make sure you continue to track the engagement and conversions and get feedback from as many as possible.  

You’ll never knock it out of the park on the first swing, but by taking an iterative approach, you can ensure that you get progressively better results. 

This template will simply tell you where to put each piece of key info.  

And if you want a more visual template, drop your email below and I’ll send it over.  

The information provided on DecentReviews does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice. Do not treat any of the websites content as such. DecentReviews does not recommend that any cryptocurrency or blockchain asset should be bought, sold, or held by you. Conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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