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The Wax Blockchain is a decentralized, blockchain-based platform designed to facilitate the trading of digital items. It tends to focus more on the gaming world within Web3.

It uses blockchain technology for asset ownership, trading, and payments. Utilizing smart contracts and dApps, users can purchase and sell digital assets immediately at significantly lower fees than those on traditional markets. With access to the global market, the Wax community has greatly amplified player engagement and profits.

No. of Nodes:
Type of chain:
Layer 1 chain
Consensus mechanism:

Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS)


  • Low energy cost
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Flexibility
  • Decentralized Applications (dapps)


  • Limited Functionality
  • Low Adoption Rate
  • Lack of Certainty
  • Security Risks


  • Simple Performance
  • Programmable Token Platform
  • Flexible Infrastructure
  • Easy Integration
  • Compliance Features
  • Decentralized Data Storage

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A beer brewing game from a craft beer scene enthusiasts.


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Splinterlands is a collectible trading card game

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What is Wax?

WAX, or Worldwide Asset eXchange, is a blockchain platform intended specifically to facilitate the trading of digital assets.

It was created in order to create an efficient and convenient way for people to buy and sell game-related items such as skins, weapons, in-game currency and collectibles.

This blockchain makes it easy to log into games with peers who are based geographically near each other and so make trading even smoother. To optimize its usability, WAX utilizes a delegated proof of stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism that runs on the EOSIO software.

In addition to trading virtual items, WAX blockchain has been instrumental in revolutionizing the video game market with its launch of tradable NFTs (nonfungible tokens).

By allowing users to add an extra layer of ownership authenticity for virtual items via NFTs, WAX Blockchain has led the way in providing everything needed for a successful NFT collection.

As such, it's become one of the most recognizable web3 ecosystems in gaming today. Given its innovative approach towards streamlining digital asset transactions, it's not surprising that WAX is also now the most used and transacted blockchain ecosystem in both DApps and video games alike.

Best Wax dApps

There is no best dApp on Wax. it al depends on what it is you need and what you want to do. 

To find the best Wax dApp for your needs, look through the collated list above. However, if you don't have the time or patience to sift through, we've collated some of the more popular dApps on Wax blockchain below. 

1. Farmer's World

Farmers world Wax dApp homepage

In Farmer's World, developed on the WAX blockchain, you take on the role of a ‘farmer’ building a city discovered by Portuguese explorers.

As you progress through the game, the main objective is to collect three resources – Gold (FWG), Wood (FWW) and Food (FWF).

You must use your tools to help build up this city; examples include raising livestock, mining gold, farming crops and fighting off wild animals that pose a threat. To complete certain objectives faster, you can purchase different tools or buy land and use it to build upon and mine or farm further.

You can buy membership cards; these are special NFTs which offer bonuses depending on their rarity. With an entertaining gameplay loop driven by resource management, users are sure to have a good time whilst playing Farmer's World.

2. Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds dapp home page

Alien Worlds is a blockchain game where players can connect with each other in the Metaverse and build collections of rare Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Alien Worlds isn't just about NFTs - it's also a political game.

Players are given the opportunity to participate in planetary elections by staking their native token, Trilium.

This token serves as a cross-chain currency that allows players to transfer value and cast votes in Planet Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Stakers can also increase their planet's reward pool by staking more Trilium.

With Alien Worlds, players have several strategies they can employ to optimize their winnings. 

3. Wombat Dungeon Master

Wombat dungeon master dapp homepage

Wombat Dungeon Master is a blockchain game that seeks to take its players to the other side of fantasy adventure.

With 11,000 daily users and up to 13,000 transactions, the game is one of WAX's highly-rated offerings.

Players are welcomed with a mission to set their own goals in this NFT game. To achieve these goals, players need to get the coveted NFT loots in as few dungeons runs as possible.

The four durations Wombats can choose from while entering a dungeon include five minutes activities, one hour challenges, six hours missions and 24 hours raids - letting everyone play according to their availability.

At Wombat Dungeon Master, players have the freedom to customize their gaming experience as they become dungeon masters who hide treasures (NFTs) in the depths of dangerous dungeons for adventurous wombats charged with finding them.

These creatures race against time since some dungeons only offer quick five-minute-long sessions while others permit daring ventures up to 24 hours long!

Grow your roster of cute creatures and join guilds that boast powerful allies sworn to stand true during dragon tanks and magical battles within magical lands! As you progress through treacherous levels slashing ferocious foes and plundering deep vaults full of spoils.

How does Wax work? 

To ensure fast and reliable performance, WAX has chosen the delegated Proof-of-stake (dPOS) mechanism for its consensus model.

This protocol requires WXL token holders to elect 21 WAX Guilds who will be rewarded for producing new blocks on the chain.

As an added bonus, EOS compatibility ensures that DApps built on EOS can be integrated into WAX without suffering from any technical limitations.

To boost this setup further, EOS has even launched a rewards campaign of $250,000 aimed at encouraging developers to build their applications on WAX. In addition to being secure and reliable, WAX is also incredibly fast; allowing new blocks to be created in less than 0.6 seconds!

This makes it an ideal platform for creating next-level digital experiences due to its unparalleled speed and reliability.

With tools such as dPOS managing transactions as well as a host of innovative features like NFT collectibles supported by an array of active developers thanks to EOS' reward campaign - there's no doubt that

Wax Pros

  1. Low energy cost: The Wax blockchain uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm which allows for more efficient energy usage due to the fact that only active users participate in block production.
  2. Scalability: The Wax blockchain is designed to scale up to millions of users simultaneously, reducing transaction times from seconds to an instant click. This means more users can join the network quickly and easily.
  3. Security: The PoS consensus mechanism employed by the Wax blockchain ensures that all transactions are secure and can be safely stored on chain. Since there is no single point of failure, it also protects against potential attack vectors and potential cyber threats.
  4. Flexibility: The Wax blockchain has integrated flexibility into its protocol design, enabling developers to create their own custom tokens or applications without having to start from scratch or use any third-party services or technologies.
  5. Decentralized Applications (dapps): The Wax blockchain brings dapps into play, allowing developers to create decentralized, trustless applications where data is securely stored on chain and transactions are fast and reliable respectively.

Wax Cons

  1. Limited Functionality: The main idea of the Wax blockchain is that it enables gamers to create and trade virtual assets, while also supporting chain-specific protocols such as decentralized storage and transferable work tokens.
  2. Low Adoption Rate: Several months after its launch, there are still very few users using this blockchain technology in gaming, even though its platform has been praised by both game developers and players alike.
  3. Lack of Certainty: Since the Wax blockchain is a relatively young blockchain, it doesn’t have many validations for transactions yet or legal guarantees on ownership and use of digital assets on the network.
  4. Security Risks: Because the Wax blockchain is less secure than some other blockchains, there are potential risks when performing transactions on it due to unregulated environments or malicious actors causing problems from within the network.

Wax fees

The fees for using the Wax blockchain are minimal and depend on the complexity of the transaction.

Depending on the circumstance, different types of fees may apply.

Transaction fees apply in all cases and are used to pay miners when a user's transaction is broadcasted.

Other types of fees may include a ‘gas fee’ (a cost to process the smart contracts) and an application fee to compensate developers for creating custom blockchain applications.

Generally speaking, most users will find that using Wax is cheaper than existing payment processing systems.

Wax features

  1. Simple Performance: A globally secure and reliable platform, fully integrated with the latest web3 technologies.
  2. Programmable Token Platform: Enables a wide range of token models, from simple to complex programs for tokens and ownership structures.
  3. Flexible Infrastructure: Utilizes a highly available decentralized architecture to scale performance under any load or usage pattern.
  4. Easy Integration: Compatible with existing Ethereum tools and infrastructure, offering an enhanced user experience without disruption or delay.
  5. Compliance Features: Supports KYC/AML systems as well as regulatory compliance policies out of the box, reducing dependence on separate services and software packages.
  6. Decentralized Data Storage: Leverages multiple storage nodes for redundancy that is immune to traditional “single point of failure” issues associated with centralized databases and services relying on single computers or cloud storage providers

 Does Wax have its own token?

WAXP is the native token of the WAX Blockchain, and operates in three forms – WAXE, WAXG and WAXP.

This crypto-asset is essential to the network's ecosystem, playing an important role in decentralized application development, governance and rewarding system.

It can be used to carry out transactions on other chains using bridges powered by the Automated Transaction System (ATS) protocol or ERC-20 tokens created on Ethereum mainnet.

Additionally, it offers holders incentives for staking their coins. Those who decide to do so earn reward payouts directly into their wallets by providing access points for other users on the network.

This is done through things such as producing blocks or maintaining liquidity order books via exchanges.

Holders of WAXP tokens can convert them into WAXE via the WAXP-to-Ethereum bridge feature available on the platform.

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