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NFTrace is a location based platform for collecting NFTs with real world utility.
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NFTrace is a destination for discovering and collecting unique digital items with real-world utility.

Their location-based mobile app makes it easy for anyone to get started with NFT collecting, regardless of technical expertise.

From event tickets, digital art, and subscriptions to coupons, POAPs and loyalty rewards, the platform offers a wide range of utility NFTs to suit every need. Imagine being able to use your phone to redeem a discount at your favorite store, simply by presenting a unique NFT!

Plus, we connect artists, brands, creators, and collectors, helping to build a vibrant community of NFT enthusiasts



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  • Very User Friendly no need to be Web 3 savvy
  • Gamified platform with connection between digital and physical worlds
  • The platform empowers users by making it easy for anyone to create and collect NFTs, regardless of their technical expertise
  • The platform utilizes AR technology which adds an extra layer of immersion and engagement to the NFT collecting experience.


  • The platform is mobile-based, which may limit its accessibility for users who do not have access to a mobile device or have limited internet access.
  • The location-based aspect of the platform may limit the number of users that are able to use it, as it requires users to be in certain physical locations to collect NFT


  • Social features: The platform should include social features such as the ability for users to share their collections, follow other users and join collectible communities.
  • User-friendly interface: The platform aims to have a user-friendly interface that is accessible for users of all skill levels. It should be easy to use, intuitive and make the process of collecting NFTs as seamless as possible.
  • Creator's tools: The platform provides easy-to-use tools for creators to mint and manage their own NFTs and connect them to physical locations.






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What is NFTrace?

NFTrace is a location-based mobile platform for geo-collecting Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

They aim to make the process of collecting NFTs accessible to users of all skill levels by leveraging location-based technology and an intuitive and user-friendly interface.Our platform allows users to collect NFTs in the physical world by tying the digital assets to real-world locations.

This creates an immersive and engaging experience that connects the virtual world with the real world.

Additionally, the platform provides easy-to-use tools for creators to mint and manage their own NFTs and connect them to physical locations.

NFTrace also provide a seamless onboarding process for new users, including the option to connect with existing wallets or creating custodial wallets without the need for technical knowledge.

NFTrace's differentiates from the competition by providing an AR feature that adds an extra layer of immersion and engagement to the NFT collecting experience.

The platform also includes social features such as the ability for users to share their collections, follow other users, and join collectible communities.

What problem does NFTrace solve?

The current NFT and minting process is often limited to a small group of experienced users and collectors, and is difficult for new users to navigate and understand due to its reliance on technical jargon and complex interfaces.

NFTrace offers a seamless and intuitive experience that is easy for users of all skill levels to use.

Secondly, it solves the problem of lack of connection between the virtual and real world.

The current process of collecting NFTs often lacks a connection to the real world, making it difficult for users to connect with the NFTs they create and collect.

Our platform solves this by tying NFTs to real-world locations, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for users.

Thirdly, it addresses the problem of bad infrastructure, high cost of entry, and not many collectors. Our platform is accessible to users of all skill levels, with an easy onboarding process, and it includes social features that allow users to connect with other collectors, making it easier for new users to enter the market and participate.

Additionally, it addresses the problem of artists having a hard time promoting their work, by providing easy-to-use tools for creators to mint and manage their own NFTs and connect them to physical locations, allowing creators to promote their work in a more engaging and interactive way.

Who uses NFTrace?

NFT Collectors:

The platform is ideal for individuals who are interested in collecting NFTs.

The location-based technology and user-friendly interface make it easy for users to collect NFTs in the physical world and connect with other collectors.NFT Creators:

The platform is also ideal for artists, designers, and other creators who are interested in minting their own NFTs.

The platform provides easy-to-use tools for creators to mint and manage their own NFTs and connect them to physical locations, allowing them to promote their work in a more engaging and interactive way.


The platform is ideal for gamers who are interested in collecting virtual items in the real world and enjoy AR experiences.


The platform is also ideal for people who are interested in technology and blockchain, who want to experience the future of collectible items and new ways of ownership.Tech-savvy individuals:

NFTrace helps individuals who are comfortable with technology, but don't have the time or technical know-how to navigate the current complexities of the NFT space.People who enjoy collecting:

The platform is perfect for people who enjoy collecting items, whether it be art, stamps, coins, or other collectible items.People who want to invest in NFTs:

The platform is also ideal for individuals who are interested in investing in NFTs, as it provides a user-friendly interface and analytics and reporting features to track their assets, collections and the market trends.

What are NFTrace's key use cases?

The key use case for NFTrace are outlined below.

For NFT enthusiasts and creators - A simple platform where you're able to list and buy into specific NFT collections

For technophiles - An easier way to start exploring blockchain based assets.

How to get started with NFTrace?

Disclaimer : NFTrace is still in early beta.]

Download the app:

Head to the NFTrace website and, from there, find the link to your relevant app store.

How to use NFTrace

Once the app is downloaded, you'll need to create an account:

Users can create an account by providing their email address and phone number.

For more experienced users, they have the option to connect their existing non-custodial wallet, or they can create a custodial wallet with as NFTrace has partnered with them.

Explore the platform:

After creating an account, users can explore the platform and discover NFTs that are placed in real-world locations.

They can also access the creator tools and mint their own NFTs, and connect them to a physical location.Collect and Share: Users can collect NFTs by visiting the physical locations where they are placed, or by purchasing them through the platform.

NFTrace contact

You can contact the NFTrace team through their website.

Year Founded: 
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