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Build trust and onboard more Web3 users

Quickly capture and understand user reviews for marketing collateral and project feedback.

Grow more efficiently

Build more trust

Show users you're a project they can trust

Trust and verify. We'll help you show you're a project to be trusted with a verified listing and user reviews to help you overcome scepticism.

Verify your ownership

By supplying a few simple pieces of information we can verify your profile to show you're not a pump and dump scammer.

Get user reviews for marketing

Get valuable feedback from users to help you build more trust and understand how to better serve them.
Increase your reach

Increase visibility for comparison shoppers

Get a 1000+ word SEO optimised listing page covering common BoFU searches for your brand. Be seen for those looking for the best providers.

Find more users

We already have various articles ranking #1 on Google. We'll work to help your listing page show up for key searches.

Answer user questions

Remove potential conversion killing questions through our detailed listing
Present your best self

Show users what they're missing out on

Upload custom images and videos to give users a taste of what you can do for them.

Show, don't tell

Demo videos and explainer images help users feel more confident in your project.

Build a little FoMo

Showing what they're not yet using helps copnvince more users they need to try out your project
Easily generate reviews

Get tried-and-tested templates and widgets

Use our review generation templates and widgets to help your users leave useful reviews.

Engage across platforms

Ask for reviews across any of your community platforms.

Reduce review friction

We're building more widgets to help you generate reviews without friction for users.

Coming soon...

Sign up for a premium listing now and tyou'll be grandfathered in at that price and included automatically for upcoming additional features including...

Stop paying users for reviews

We're building a unique incentivisation system which will mean you won't have to pay users to leave reviews for you.  

Friction free review widgets

We're building several widgets to help you generate reviews where your users are already engaged with you

On-chain functionality

Use your reviews in ways never before seen in Web 2.0 to get even better results.

Project dashboard

Have more control over your listing page and change certain elements to feature the best elements of your project.

AI Functionality

We're looking at incorporating some AI functionality to help you get even more value from your user reviews in a fraction of the time.

A few secret projects

We're looking to turn the review industry on its head, and you can have a front row seat by joining us now.
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